Margaret Durow

PHOTO  .  April 17th, 2013

Interview of  Margaret Durow – photographer born in Madison, Wisconsin, November 1989.


Give us a song that we can listen while we’re watching your photos.

johnny cash – i still miss someone

What’s your equipment ?

canon rebel xti, & canon ae1

What’s your next journey ?

hopefully my next big journey will be visiting my sister in costa rica

How do you get these particular visual effects on some pictures ?

combining digital and film photos

Tell us something about you.

i’m really tired of winter dragging on and on

How would you prefer to spend an afternoon ?

swimming and relaxing by the lake

Tell us more about this photo (above)

we stayed up all night until we drove to the lake and jumped in. the sun was just coming up

What’s next for you ?

graduating from the university of wisconsin madison, i want to travel but i need to find a job

What are you going to do after having answered this last question ?

put my clothes in the dryer

Thanks Margaret