wertn is a creative and inquisitive french online magazine interviewing artists that you don’t find everywhere.
You can send us your works at submission@wertn.com
or contact us for any reasons at coucou@wertn.com
I saw these magnificent storefronts as small embassies where I could stop with my van, have a drink and observe what was happening there.
It’s interesting how people project back onto these scenes, between finding them funny or sad or strange and surreal.
We are all intimately familiar with the body, so seeing it like this can really grip you.
When completed, this archive will contain 25,000 images building a geographical and architectural description of France.
Art alone can’t change the world but art is not alone.
I like the physical feeling of being alone in a place.
Sometimes I come home with nothing to show for my ventures but wholly fulfilled by the time I spent away.
ideas come in waves
I´d rather talk about squids.
This Magical Depression is a ‘bad taste’ that makes you cry out “why?”
Wet portraits and feminism as water