wertn is a creative and inquisitive french online magazine interviewing artists that you don’t find everywhere.
You can send us your works at submission@wertn.com
or contact us for any reasons at coucou@wertn.com
I think an illustration style is not something to reach but rather something that constantly develops.
I don’t think we were better than the others, but they gave us enough confidence to continue.
I have always been a very slow worker and lose sense of time easily. Despite how impractical it is, I really enjoy this way of working and living.
I like the word “build”, like for a construction set.
It doesn’t necessarily make you smarter, but it feels good.
we’re programmed to celebrate the beginning or the ending, but rarely the in-between
Elastomer planets, bouncy floors and alive cartoons
Actually the universe wasn’t supposed to be black but transparent.
there are layers of feelings in an illustration
Hand-drawn watercolor urbanscape with community stories
it’s strange to think that this was once seen as the truth
When I was a kid, I was drawing architectural plans, not knowing it was an actual thing.