Giuseppe Mileti

PHOTO  .  January 11th, 2016

Interview with the 39 years old photographer, Giuseppe Mileti from the southern Italy region, Apulia.
The 7 groups of photos are selections from of Giuseppe’s series – starting from the most recent one.


Who are you Giuseppe?

My name is Giuseppe Mileti. I like reading, watching old movies in BN / Technicolor and documentaries, walking outdoors whatever the weather and places and do long bike paths.

What do your days look like?

In my mind to an old noir film.

Series : Meta Vultus

Can you tell us something about the place you’re from, Salento? How’s it down there?

Salento is a vast territory of Apulia. It is sunny and dry in summer and rainy and damp in winter (although the sun is always peeking). Life there flows less frenetic that in certain areas of Italy or Europe.
I love my land but I prefer to see it from the distance. At least for the moment. For this reason I like to travel and live in foreign places. Currently I’m in Switzerland.

Does this place take a important role in your works?

I believe that developing some works where the territory is part of a project, the place where we live plays a key role. Certainly we put our experiences and fantasies in a known context but that at the same time it can tell very different stories if we look them from different angles.

Series : Italia Yes or Not


Can you tell us something about the last photo of this series? [see below]

It was a day like many and I was out with my camera. There was an open window and instinctively I took a picture. For a moment I felt like the invisible viewer of a life of others.

Series : Aræ Oleum


On the 7 series present on your website, which one is your favorite and why?

There is not a particular photo that I like on the others. Each one could provoke in me memories or tell me something.

Series : Atha Cliath


Give us 2 songs and one book you like at the moment.

I’m reading a lot in this time. Especially the stories of Anton Cechov.
To name two songs, “Anna and Marco” by Lucio Dalla (not only at this time) because it is part of my own experience and that I always carry in the heart, and even “L’anno che verrà” always by Lucio Dalla because during this period of the year the words come back to me sentimentally familiar.

Series : TransVerticality


What cameras did you used for your series ‘TransVerticality’ and ‘Aræ Oleum’?

For “TransVerticality” I used a Pentax 6×7 and for “Area Oleum” a Canon A-1 and a Pentacon Six TL.

Series : Ballad for a culturally modified Land


Can you introduce your beautiful series ‘Ballad for a culturally modified Land‘?

I love this series. It was developed just after returning in my own country after three years spent in Bern.
The entire series is on digital medium (before switching to analog medium) because those were the early days in which to experiment with photography.
A project born from the need to tell about places very familiar to me. Finca (Spanish for an estate, farmhouse. Masseria in italian) that I have always seen from afar and with inattentive eye. Then I started to imagine life that there could be a time in those places now left on their own. Countries in the countries. I photographed after sunset, in the dark, so that a new magic light could again emphasize these desolate places giving them new colors. The invisible is always very important.

What are you going to do after having answered to this final question?

There is a light drizzle now, although I think that it will end soon. I’ll go out for a photo spin. Things wet from the rain with the right light can shine of a new life.

Thanks a lot Giuseppe!

Series : A Legal Country