wertn is a creative and inquisitive french online magazine interviewing artists that you don’t find everywhere.
You can send us your works at submission@wertn.com
or contact us for any reasons at coucou@wertn.com
I saw these magnificent storefronts as small embassies where I could stop with my van, have a drink and observe what was happening there.
It is not because a person seems in a calm state, that they are not burning inside.
For most kids, from 14/15, the little flame goes out because you have to conform to others to become an adult.
The expression of the hand can take on as much importance as that of the face.
When completed, this archive will contain 25,000 images building a geographical and architectural description of France.
Even in brutality, it has to be entertaining.
While I was working in pediatrics I decided to devote myself to music.
I am inspired by natural accidents of forms and messy arrangements.
This is not photography.
It’s hard to be an illustrator.
Retro-modern feeling, Curious ideas, Black outlines